Thursday, August 14, 2008

Globial Warming Fantasies

It occurs to me that everybody talks about the weather but no 0ne actually does anything about it. The reason of course is that no one can do anything about it unless you believe those imbeciles that follow along as Al Gore happily leads them all by the nose down the yellow brick road looking for the Wizard. Not surprisingly, the Wizard this merry band of the blissfully uninformed is seeking is every bit as phony as the one in the Land of Oz One can only wonder why these disciples of ignorance have not caught on to the fact that their leader has not only increased his personal wealth by over 100 million dollars promoting this charade, but at the same time gleefully ignores his own mantra of giving up your comforts to save energy as he jets around the world burning copious amounts of fuel and the increasing energy consumption at his Tennessee home has gone up by a factor of 2 over the last 18 months or so according to the latest reports from the Tennessee’s energy gurus. Obviously Mr. Gore feels that as a Nobel Prize winner he is above all this menial conservation nonsense, that kind of stuff only applies to the tax paying working class in this country. Of course we must all remember that he is somehow buying so called carbon unit credits from some obscure man down in the Amazon who doesn’t apparently own a tractor or otherwise use any discernable energy therefore enabling big Al to use this man’s carbon footprint to help off set his own. I am not quite sure how big Al is actually paying this person if at all, it seems like it has something to do with planting a tree somewhere in his name or some other skillfully fabricated façade but since it is all a lot of malarkey anyway it really does not matter. Now I say this in light of the fact that there is actually no real scientific consensus on the damage being caused by CO2 emissions in the first place and certinly not on those supposedly created my human intervention. The evidence presented by Mr. Gore's so called team of experts, all of which have little or no scientific credentials in the first place, has been refuted time and time again by those folk actually working in the field. There are over 31000 scientist world wide who have out and out rejected the hypothesis that man made CO2 emissions are having any negligible impact on global temperatures.

So having said all of that, if any of these things are true, as I believe they are, why do we continue to chase the elusive Wizard? Why are so many people so intent on blowing this whole issue out of proportion? By the way many of these folk are the same ones who predicted a new ice age back in the seventies. Well, I am afraid the answer is all too simple, the Liberal Democrats are totally committed to the pursuit alternative fuels at all costs, in spite the fact that we have sufficient resources within our own nation to stave off any crisis and still keep gas prices from skyrocketing. What is even more bazaar is that by utilizing our available resources we would have ample time to allow industry to pursue these alternatives in an intelligent and orderly fashion without disrupting Americas households. This can only happen however if we are allowed to develop those off shore and ANWAR resources otherwise we will end up indebted to foreign oil, i.e. the Middle East. Development of all of these national resources by the way can be accomplished in environmentally friendly ways with out endangering any elk, bears or sea snakes nor without causing them any emotional distress. I recently found out that the congressional ban on drilling and exploration is only good for one year and must be renewed and voted each year and normally has been camouflaged in those bills which are necessary to keep the government running, which happens this year in September. Does any of this start any bells ringing? So then to avoid an up and down vote on the energy bill and risk exposing their bias the Democrats, specifically Nancy Pelosi, have thrown down the gauntlet and basically told the American people at least those who are listening that she could care less what the people of this nation want because she is in charge and to prove it she closed down the House of Representatives for five weeks and went on vacation. Ahhh, but that is fuel for another tirade at a later date. My point of course it this, why are we the American people allowing the incompetent, uninformed and financially vested bureaucrats to make decisions for us while we ignore the qualified scientist who are educated and actually working in the appropriate fields. The United Nations report is a joke, prepared by only those unqualified scientist who had a vested interest in the outcome. It is the UN’s plan to tap the Treasury of the United States to the tune of approximately 18000 dollars per tax paying family for the purpose of subsidizing those third world nations who may suffer the ravages of some future floods or droughts which ostensively might be caused by Global Warming. Face it folks, Its all about the money and so far a lot of people in this country seem to be dozing in front of their HDTV and buying this garbage because it is easer not to rock the boat and besides they don’t want the hassle. Well good luck to us all because I believe we are in deep dodo without a paddle or a rope, but hey, this is all just my opinion and since no one has died and made me God, I guess I will have to stand back and join with the doctor who told his sickly patient, “Hey the autopsy will prove who is right”!

Good Night Ya All and keep the faith, remember they kin kill us but they can’t eat us, its against the law!

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